Portfolio | Picturebooks

I want to give you an overview of what you can browse through. The intention here on this page is for you to see the options you have and where you can go to.

Australia 2014
Australia 2014, Roundtrip
I was traveling around Australia in the first quarter of 2014 and shot some thousands of pictures. In here are the ones I consider my best-of.
Städtereise Bergen, Norwegen
City trip Bergen, Norway, 2015
Bergen, second largest town in Norway, starting point for tours through the fjords and located at the Byfjord. Surrounded by scenic hills, where the most well known are the Ulriken and the Fløyen, this was the destination for a city tour in September 2015.
All-Time Favorites
All-Time Favorites, Worldwide
People asked me for pictures I do really like and which I consider my all-time favorites. Therefore I created this collection of the pictures I consider belonging to my personal favorites.
Simply me
Simply me
While having a look on all the pictures I realized that this page and its content is not complete without some pictures of myself. Here you go.